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Chairs and Hamstrings 



How To: While sitting at the edge of a chair, straighten one leg in front of the body with the heel on the floor.

Then, sit up straight and try pushing the navel towards the thigh without leaning the trunk of the body forwards. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times for each leg.

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Another office chair or small stool, box of copy paper or other sturdy object can be used to prop up your foot during this stretch.

How To: Sit up straight at the edge of the chair. Prop you right heel up on the stool and point your toes up toward the ceiling. Keeping your knee straight, bend forward at your hips until a pull along the back of the right thigh is felt. Hold for 20- 30 seconds, then relax. Perform this stretch every hour or 8-10 a day on each leg. To intensify the stretch, a taller object under the leg can be used.

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 All is needed  is a flat panel on the side of the desk. It can be also stretched against a file cabinet.

How To: Sit down on the floor with your feet toward the side of your desk. Place the bottom of the right foot against the edge of the panel and lie down on your back. Scoot toward the desk and slowly slide the right heel up the desk panel until feel a stretch in the back of the thigh. Depending on how tight hamstrings are,the knee might still be a bit bent. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds, then bend your knee to relax.

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This stretch is also called : classic hamstring stretch and can be done on the floor( perfect for someone who is working from home!)

Equipment : towel, belt or a rope. Any material that does not stretch.


Technique:  Lie on the floor with  legs extended in front of the body. Loop a towel or a belt around the ball of one foot.

Raise the  leg by pulling the towel or band toward the body  while keeping the knee straight. Pull it until a stretch in the hamstring is felt and holding for up to 30 seconds.

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