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SEITAI  Therapy

eitai is a traditional Japanese treatments that come to be a modality of massage about 100 years ago.

The origin of SEITAI is Chinese medicine of more than 2000 years history and when it was introduced in Japan, SEITAI was integrated with the philosophy of Japanese martial art in which they believe "if you are able to deactivate and attack enemy's body, you know how to heal and protect the body as well".

Seitai has been also influenced and developed with the Western treatments such as Osteopathy and Chiropractic so the treatment style varies depending on the practitioners.


Oleksiy  learnt SEITAI from Kouno sensei , the famous Aikido master, whose understanding of biomechanics  comes from the therapeutic and martial art prospective.

The SEITAI treatment techniques include those such as acupressure, joint mobilisation and stretching, without using massage oil.  In this way it is very similar to the Japanese 'Shiatsu' Massage.  

In Japan, Seitai is normally performed on a futon mattress however it can also be practiced on the massage table combining with Remedial techniques.


SHINSO Therapy


Shinso Therapy is a ground breaking new Japanese medical approach to total body realignment.

Its concept centers on the belief that the root cause of various pain and internal disorders often stem from “functional asymmetry” of the body. This means that the muscles on both sides of the body are not functioning symmetrically to one other; hence, the body is out of whack. Unlike conventional medicine which focuses on treating the symptoms, Shinso Therapy simply seeks to regain symmetry of the whole body, regardless of the diagnosis.

After a thorough physical assessment unique to Shinso Therapy, the treatment is performed via using gentle movements such as flexing, rotating, gentle pulling and pressing to allow the spine and the pelvis to return to their normal position. The ultimate goal of this therapy is to “retrieve functional symmetry” of the muscles of the body by triggering cells to recognize its original proper function.

Although it may require a few sessions for overall symptoms to disappear, one will often experience a deep sense of relaxation, grounding and also regain greater mobility after the initial session.

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