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Best wishes of health in 2023. Many people have their N year Resolution. Usually it is about getting healthier, loosing weight, starting workout or simply jogging or walking on a regular basis.

To be successful we have to remember to :

-Start slowly

-Start gradually

-Start with the exercises you are able to do pain free.

I am a professional Registered Massage Therapist and NSCA certified Personal Trainer who can give a treatment or advise you on exercise.

As a former medical doctor I understand the importance of personal health and recovery and as a Massage Therapist and a Personal Trainer I can prevent the injuries from happening .

Keeping the muscles and soft tissues in good condition and doing exercise with the proper technique keeps us free from injuries.

Three years ago in the beginning of COVID 19 closure I started jogging. Since then I am still doing it at least five times per week. I lost weight, 40 pounds. I am feeling energized and my workout results have improved.

I was able to continue jogging because :

-It was only 15 min exercise.

-Free of charge

-No equipment is needed.

-No need to drive anywhere. Just stepping out of the house and running on a pavement.

Sure enough it is just my personal experience,.Everyone has different ability and circumstances.

I am more than happy to give advice. Feel free to ask me.

January 3. 2023 Oeksiy Gulenko. RMT .In my Massage Therapy studio.

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